Synopsis: In this novel, the goddess seeks the help of the protagonist, Ian, to save the world. The method? it involves Ian to having intimate relationships with various chosen women. These chosen women are granted access by the goddess to a forum similar to 4chan or Reddit in real life, and Ian becomes a moderator on this forum. As a moderator, Ian can see the real names of the anonymous accounts of these women, their chat history, deleted or hidden messages, their tastes in male, and can strategize to smoothly establish connections with them.
The protagonist, Ian, is a native of the novel’s world and not from an isekai or regression scenario. So far, Ian has engaged intimately with four women, and there are others who have appeared and are yet to be pursued. Ian’s relationships with the women are diverse, with different dynamics for each. With his childhood friend Evelyn (blonde), the relationship is normal. With Yuris (saint candidate, pink hair), Ian has a master-slave dynamic. Laplace (princess, silver hair) involves an extreme SM relationship, while with Helen (duchess, red hair), the relationship is somewhat normal.
Ian experiences inner conflicts, torn between his strong desire to marry Evelyn due to their genuine love, and the impending world destruction if he does so. Complicating matters is Ian’s insatiable appetite, leading him to seek relationships with multiple women. He is willing to engage in extreme activities with Laplace to gain full control over their relationship, adopts a sadistic master role for Yuris to be her ideal man, showers Helen with praises, and with Evelyn, he simply needs to resist her advances.
Highly recommended, the story is captivating and not dull. The characters are genuinely interesting with distinct personalities, and the erotic writing is neither complicated nor too brief, making it easy to read. The protagonist’s honest approach to his desires sets him apart as a non-beta character.
oh yeah this novel got a lot of good illust, hope noble will post em
Oh yeah i forgot, the forum is only filled with selected girls, and the goddess uses her minions as a buzzers to steer opinions, liven up the forum, make comment, make posts, and everything else to help Ian quickly establish relationships with those girls.
Why? So the world can be saved quickly, and the goddess can also have intimate relations with Ian. Because the goddess also wants to have intimate relations with Ian.
La imagen cambia . Algo nuevo eh visto hoy
Synopsis: In this novel, the goddess seeks the help of the protagonist, Ian, to save the world. The method? it involves Ian to having intimate relationships with various chosen women. These chosen women are granted access by the goddess to a forum similar to 4chan or Reddit in real life, and Ian becomes a moderator on this forum. As a moderator, Ian can see the real names of the anonymous accounts of these women, their chat history, deleted or hidden messages, their tastes in male, and can strategize to smoothly establish connections with them.
The protagonist, Ian, is a native of the novel’s world and not from an isekai or regression scenario. So far, Ian has engaged intimately with four women, and there are others who have appeared and are yet to be pursued. Ian’s relationships with the women are diverse, with different dynamics for each. With his childhood friend Evelyn (blonde), the relationship is normal. With Yuris (saint candidate, pink hair), Ian has a master-slave dynamic. Laplace (princess, silver hair) involves an extreme SM relationship, while with Helen (duchess, red hair), the relationship is somewhat normal.
Ian experiences inner conflicts, torn between his strong desire to marry Evelyn due to their genuine love, and the impending world destruction if he does so. Complicating matters is Ian’s insatiable appetite, leading him to seek relationships with multiple women. He is willing to engage in extreme activities with Laplace to gain full control over their relationship, adopts a sadistic master role for Yuris to be her ideal man, showers Helen with praises, and with Evelyn, he simply needs to resist her advances.
Highly recommended, the story is captivating and not dull. The characters are genuinely interesting with distinct personalities, and the erotic writing is neither complicated nor too brief, making it easy to read. The protagonist’s honest approach to his desires sets him apart as a non-beta character.
oh yeah this novel got a lot of good illust, hope noble will post em
Oh yeah i forgot, the forum is only filled with selected girls, and the goddess uses her minions as a buzzers to steer opinions, liven up the forum, make comment, make posts, and everything else to help Ian quickly establish relationships with those girls.
Why? So the world can be saved quickly, and the goddess can also have intimate relations with Ian. Because the goddess also wants to have intimate relations with Ian.